
Saturday 9 August 2014


16:35 - 8 comments


Receptors are the sensory organs which receive a stimulus. Following are the main receptor organs in man:

  • Organ of sight.
  • Organ of hearing.
  • Organ of smell.
  • Organ of taste.
  • Organ of touch.


The eyes are the most marvelous of the sense organs as they make us aware of various objects around us, nearby and far away. When we see a tree we don’t have to touch it or climb its branches in order to know what it is like. With normal vision we can reach out as far as our eyes can see and are thus becoming aware of events and circumstances around us. These eyes are the great bliss of Almighty Allah. 

Sight receptor in human body


The ears are the most amazing and spectacular organs in our body. These are one of the best endowed by Allah. The ears lend a hand us to hear everything we want. There are frequency ranges, but human ear can only hear in the frequency range between 20Hz to 20,000Hz. This is called audible frequency.

hearing receptor in human body


The organ of smell lies in the nasal cavity above mouth. It is also called the olfactory organ and its sensitive cells are supplied by the branches or the olfactory nerve from the brain. The incoming air currents carry the smell particles of substances into the nasal cavity which arouse the sensitive cells in the organ of smell. The olfactory nerve carries the sensation to the brain, which determines the nature of a substance emitting the smell. 

smell receptor in human body


There are encapsulated nerve endings in the skin, which respond to slight pressure on the skin. The skin responds to heat and cold also. Experiments have shown that the spot in the that respond to cold don’t respond to heat and vice versa. It is also known that any stimulus that affects the free and exposed nerve endings produce the sensation of pain. Some sensory receptors are placed deeper in the tissues and are not stimulated unless the tissues above are firmly compressed.

touch receptor in human body


It is generally believed that the entire tongue is the organ of taste, but it is not so. The tiny organs of taste are located on the surface of the tongue. These are called the taste buds. They are spherical in shape and microscopic in size. A taste bud consists of a group of cells that are supplied with nerve endings from the nerve that penetrates the inner part of the mouth cavity. There are four kinds of taste buds, each kind specified to seek a particular taste, i.e. sweet, salty, sour and bitter. Those for salty taste are situated along with those for bitter taste on the side of the tongue and for sweet taste at the tip of the tongue. 

taste receptor in human body

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Muhammad Tayyab.

He is a 18 year old entreprenuer who writes on various topics like SEO, Blogging, Biology and a lot more. Apart from blogging he is also pursuing his career in Medical and Engineering Field. Do Follow him to get in touch.

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