
Monday, 10 August 2015


21:32 - 4 comments

Is a Daily Glass of Wine Healthy?

Not for each person. Little amount of liquor may head off coronary illness like heart diseases, and bring down the chances of stroke and diabetes. However, substantial drinking of alcohol increases chances for liver and heart ailments, in addition colon, breast and different types of cancers. On the off chance that you don't drink, don't start out. If you are in this habit, limit yourself to one drink a day (women) or two (men).

Is Tap Water Safe to Drink?

Well, this question is tricky. I can’t say anything about it. It depends upon your local water system. If it has checks on harmful components like lead in water, you can drink tap water but if they don’t, never drink tap water. Most countries like US have the safest drinking system. They have proper checks on bacteria and harmful chemicals present in water. 

What Should We Take? Sugar or High Fructose Corn Syrup?

Well, we should go easy on both. We get high-fructose corn syrup from corn and sugar from cane. Our body processes both cane sugar and high fructose corn syrup nearly the same way. Be attentive that high amounts of any type of sugar is dangerous as it prompt weight gain, high hypertension, heart ailments and type 2 diabetes.

Does Cholesterol in Food Count?

Well, food plays a role in increasing cholesterol level but what can do more in increasing cholesterol is obesity, inactivity, and a poor eating routine. We shouldn’t opt for unhealthy Trans-fats (unsaturated fatty acid of a type occurring in margarines and manufactured cooking oils as a result of the hydrogenation process, having a Trans arrangement of the carbon atoms adjacent to its double bonds. Consumption of such acids is thought to increase the risk of atherosclerosis) and saturated fats found in dairy, meats and processed food. Ask your physician what sustenance you ought to take and what to stave off.

Is Microwaved Food Unsafe?

Before making any comment on this question, I’ve met two health specialists, both having nearly same opinion. The mechanism of Microwave is that it makes water molecules in sustenance to vibrate which creates friction and heat up the food. This activity doesn’t make food "radioactive." Microwaves do make a little magnetic field but this doesn’t cause any problem. Be aware that don't use microwave with damaged door.

Do Cell Phones Cause Brain Cancer?

No, I’ve read a study paper of more than 420,000 people over 20 years -- says there’s no connection between brain tumors and cell phone use. Although, this study denies but most doctors would advise you to limit your phone use, and not to place your phone along you while sleeping. A most recent study found a link between a specific type of brain tumor called a Glioma and heavy cell phone use. If you’re worried, wear a headset, use the speaker, and limit your phone time.

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Muhammad Tayyab.

He is a 18 year old entreprenuer who writes on various topics like SEO, Blogging, Biology and a lot more. Apart from blogging he is also pursuing his career in Medical and Engineering Field. Do Follow him to get in touch.

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